Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
Community Grants
Covid 19 & Events
Please ensure you follow all public health recommendations during your events or activity.
https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/information-sheets-for-businesses-and-workplaces/ for more information.
Community Grant Guidelines
Community Grants Purpose: To support community involvement and action, promoting health and well-being in the following areas:
1. Healthy Living
2. Healthy Environment
3. Mental Health Promotion
4. Child/Youth Development
5. Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Protection
6. Injury Prevention

1. Preference for funding will be given to nonprofit community groups, community based organizations and individuals who are working towards health and wellbeing in their community.
2. Applications from government and quasi government organization will only be considered if there is a strong partnership with the community and the application shows good community building strategies.
3. Organizations seeking repeat funding must have submitted receipts and an evaluation report from the previous successful application.
4. Repeat applications must propose a new project or further develop their existing proposal.
5. The LRWC covers the geographical area which includes the communities of Labrador City, Wabush, Churchill Falls, Nain, Natuashish, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik, Rigolet, Northwest River, Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Cartwright, Black Tickle, and Mud Lake.

Funding Available: The maximum amount of funding is $1000.00.

Items not eligible for funding:
Contributions to annual fund raising drives
Core operating expenses
Capital costs
Scholarships or bursaries awarded to individuals
Unhealthy foods and beverages
Travel for sports teams
Sports and/or other recreational team Banquets
Meeting Space
Promotional items/ or gifts *

*If LRWC promotional items are not able to fulfill the request, the LRWC may consider the request based on its merit on a case by case basis.

Eligible expenses include (but are not limited to):
Purchase of healthy snacks and beverages*
Purchase of small physical activity material and/or equipment
Resource materials
Presenter fees **

*Preference to purchase healthy snack and beverages will be given to projects that have an educative nutritional component.
**Preference will be given to local presenters. Please provide a reason for not using local presenters (e.g. no one available to present on a topic).

Final decision on the funding of a presenter will be at the discretion of The Grants Committee

Parameters for funding:
a. Closed events
i. Break = $3 per person
ii. Lunch = $10 per person
b. Open events
i. Break & lunch = multiply approx. expected # of people by closed event rate.
c. Food for conference is limited to one break and one lunch per event.

Applicants applying for the purchase of program materials or resources to carry out a program must attach a brief but detailed summary of this program. Also, please indicate the company or organization which produced the resource and information explaining why you believe it will be effective in your community.
The committee will not review applications which are late and/or are considered incomplete, unreadable or unclear about the financial request.
What are the deadlines for Grant Applications?
NEW: There are 4 deadlines throughout the year, depending on when your project/initiative is to take place:
  • December 1
  • March 1
  • June 1
  • September 1
Please apply as early as possible; the grant review process takes at least FOUR (4) weeks following the deadline.
Reminder for Repeat Applications
  • Organizations seeking repeat funding must have submitted receipts and an evaluation report from the previous successful application.

  • Repeat applications must propose a new project or further develop their existing proposal.

  • Due to high number of grant requests, repeat grants are eligible for review on a yearly basis.

    These points are in the 'eligibility' requirements of the grant application. Due to high numbers of grant requests, the Grants Team will be checking for these requirements to be filled in order to consider another grant application.

    Thank you for your understanding.
Approved Grants
To see a list of Approved Grants for the current year, please click on the 'Approved Grants' link in the top right hand corner of this page.
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